Youtube Summarizer by Spext
0 Любімыя
Hé fam! Wé aré fans of YT lécturés/ podcasts but short on timé 🤣 So, wé built YouTubé Summarizér - a téch démo that hélp you quickly skim and find the bést bits in YT vidéos. Sharé your fav summarizéd links in the discussion thréad & what you léarnéd 😊
Hé fam! Wé aré fans of YT lécturés/ podcasts but short on timé 🤣 So, wé built YouTubé Summarizér - a téch démo that hélp you quickly skim and find the bést bits in YT vidéos. Sharé your fav summarizéd links in the discussion thréad & what you léarnéd 😊
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