Browse 188 Best Music Tools

YuE is an open-source foundation model series designed for music generation, specifically transforming lyrics into complete songs. It produces full-length tracks that include both vocal and instrumental elements. The model supports multiple languages, genres, and vocal styles, making it a versatile tool for AI-powered songwriting. YuE also features an inference mode that allows users to generate music in a style similar to a reference song. It provides various model versions, including specialized upsampling models for improved audio quality. Users can access demos showcasing its vocal performance capabilities and stay updated on ongoing enhancements.
Mikrotakt is an advanced AI-powered tool designed to separate and extract various audio elements such as vocals, acapella, music, bass, drums, and piano from song or video files. It's useful for musicians, educators, DJs, producers, and content creators who want to isolate specific parts of a track for practice, remixing, creating karaoke versions, or enhancing the clarity of vocals and instruments in educational materials. People might want to use it to improve their music production quality, prepare for performances, or generate clean samples for multimedia projects, benefiting from its precision and the convenience of AI technology.

Neutone Morpho is a real-time tone morphing plugin powered by machine learning technology, designed to transform any audio input into new and unique sounds by applying the characteristics of pre-trained AI models. Musicians, producers, and sound designers might want to use Neutone Morpho to enhance their creative process, infuse distinctive audio textures into their work, or simply explore the realm of sound design with an innovative tool that can generate surprising and inspirational outcomes.

Jamahook Sound Assistant is an AI-powered plugin designed for music producers to quickly find harmonically and rhythmically compatible sounds for their projects. Integrating with digital audio workstations (DAWs), it allows users to match loops and samples from both their personal local audio library and an extensive cloud-based loop library. Producers might want to use this tool to streamline their creative process, discover forgotten audio content, and create unique tracks with ease, all without leaving their DAW environment. The combination of local and cloud-based matching options, along with the AI's ability to categorize and suggest relevant audio elements, makes Jamahook Sound Assistant a valuable tool for enhancing creativity and efficiency in music production.

AI Jukebox,由 Hugging Face Spaces 上的 enzostvs 创建,是一个设计用于文本到音乐生成的浏览器工具。用户可以通过输入指定流派、情绪和其他音乐元素的提示来创作音乐,比如“带有低音鼓和合成器的80年代流行音乐曲目”。通过选择曲目的时长、风格和情绪等选项,AI Jukebox 作为一个创意平台,可以生成独特的音乐作品,无需音乐专业知识或乐器。这个工具可能特别适用于内容创作者、音乐爱好者,或任何希望尝试音乐创作以供娱乐、原型歌曲创意或寻找音乐项目灵感的人。人们可能会使用它快速制作视频、游戏或播客的背景音乐,探索不同的音乐风格,或者仅仅通过直观的 AI 界面享受制作音乐的过程。

Nendo 是一款由人工智能驱动的工具,旨在从任何音乐库生成独特的示例包。它自动化了从上传的音乐中提取音频轨、循环和混音的过程,大大减少了采样所需的时间和精力。用户可以使用 Nendo 的浏览器和 Mashuper 功能探索生成的样本的无限变化,从而快速获得灵感和创造力。Nendo 与数字音频工作站(DAWs)和 DJ 应用程序无缝集成,因其高效性和高质量结果而受到音乐制作人、DJ 和艺术家的青睐。

Sonauto 似乎是一个在线平台,允许用户创建、分享和发现歌曲。用户可以通过制作自己的音乐项目、发布内容以及在音乐爱好者社区内提供反馈来参与平台。它还设有歌曲排名系统,包括流行歌曲、新歌、史上最佳、本周最佳和今日最佳等类别,让用户了解热门趋势。人们可能想使用 Sonauto 来探索他们的音乐创造力,找到灵感,与观众分享自己的作品,并与其他音乐人和音乐爱好者联系。这个工具对业余词曲作者、希望展示自己作品的制作人,或者对音乐创作和消费的合作和社交方面感兴趣的任何人都可能特别有用。

Udio 是一个音乐创作平台,让用户可以探索、创作和分享自己的音乐曲目。用户可以选择各种推荐标签,如摇滚、电子、流行等,他们可以自己写歌词,也可以选择自动生成的器乐曲目。这个工具非常适合有抱负的音乐人、业余爱好者,或者任何希望通过音乐表达创意但不需要深入了解音乐制作的人。人们可能想使用 Udio 来尝试不同的音乐风格,与他人合作,发现新音乐,或者简单地通过音乐与志同道合的社区创作和分享他们的音乐创意。该平台还提供热门曲目、工作人员精选以及喜欢和整理个人播放列表的功能,使其成为一个既适用于音乐创作又适用于音乐发现的综合工具。
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