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Retrovision App

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Retrovision tool converts an image into extruded 3D mesh with the help of AI-generated depth. A user has fine-grained control over projection parameters, and resulting mesh can be downloaded as GLB file. Unlike other tools in this category, which are focused on creating characters and objects from a single image, this app is tailored to creating 3D scenes from provided images of interiors or exteriors.

Retrovision tool converts an image into extruded 3D mesh with the help of AI-generated depth. A user has fine-grained control over projection parameters, and resulting mesh can be downloaded as GLB file. Unlike other tools in this category, which are focused on creating characters and objects from a single image, this app is tailored to creating 3D scenes from provided images of interiors or exteriors.

Pricing model:

price unknown / product not launched yet
Categories: #generative-art
Retrovision App
Retrovision App
Retrovision App
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