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Nextup - The Slack Bot to Connect Your Team to JIRA. (Productivity, Messaging, and Developer Tools) Discover 5 alternatives like Trello and Standuply: Poll & Survey Scrum Bot
下一个 - Slack机器人连接您的团队到JIRA。 (生产力,消息传递和开发人员工具)发现5个替代品,如Trello和Standuply:Poll&Survey Scrum Bot
Nextup - The Slack Bot to Connect Your Team to JIRA. (Productivity, Messaging, and Developer Tools) Discover 5 alternatives like Trello and Standuply: Poll & Survey Scrum Bot 下一个 - Slack机器人连接您的团队到JIRA。 (生产力,消息传递和开发人员工具)发现5个替代品,如Trello和Standuply:Poll&Survey Scrum Bot
price unknown / product not launched yet
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